Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor

 Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor

Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor
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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Juice Fountain

Juice Fountain Breville extractor

I have been thinking about juicing for 2 years. Recently I was very ill and watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". That DVD inspired me to buy a juicing machine. After reading many reviews, watching comparison videos and checking prices, I decided on the Breville extractor.

I am on my third day and I love it! This extractor is powerful but yet doesn't take up a huge amount of space. The veggies and fruits I have stored on the same counter take up more room than this machine. The machine's parts seem to be of high quality and the blade I think will last several years. Some people complain about the noise. The juicer itself is only on for a few minutes. I juice twice a day which keeps me filled up the entire day. The noise to me really isn't a big deal - 5 minutes and I'm done. The clean up takes much longer than preparing the produce and juicing them because I do not use a dishwasher! However, I enjoy how compact and dry the pulp is. The compost bins I have in our back yard have a better quality mulch since juicing and I like that as well. If the produce I run through the machine has a lot of liquid in them (like oranges, pineapple, etc.), I will run the pulp through the machine again and will actually get more juice - it's like a sludge consistency. Occasionally doing this I feel I'm extracting every bit of nutrient out of the produce that's possible.

Speaking of pineapple: I cut the rind off and cubed the fruit which I froze in individual pieces. I then ran the rind through the juicer and got wonderful juice from it! I put the juice into ice cube trays and froze it. Now I have plenty of fruit and juice if I ever want to make a smoothie or want pineapple pieces to add to a juicing recipe. I'm thinking about trying the same technique with a honey dew melon. I also think I can make wonderful applesauce with this if I core the apples first. A person is limited only by their imagination!

In conclusion, I think this is a fantastic product. If my opinion changes I'll update.
Juice Fountain

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